Friday, May 29, 2009

Kidney Stones

Kidney calculi, Urinary stones

Kidney stones are pebble-like solid particles found in various parts of the urinary system. They are said to be formed by an excess of salts in the bloodstream that crystallise in the urine. The stones vary in size and shape ranging from tiny particles that pass out unnoticed in the urine to large-branched formations 5cm across. They remain unnoticed as long as they stay in place. But even a tiny stone may cause excruciating pain if it leaves the kidney.Slight bleeding can occur due to tears in the lining of the urinary tract.

a) "Silent" kidney stones produce no symptoms
b) Severe pain in the back over the kidney that spreads to the front of the abdomen downwards. The pain builds up for about one minute before it eases off and then returns again in a few minutes.
c) Pain on passing urine.
d) Blood in the urine.
e) Fever or tenderness in the flank may indicate a stone-related kidney infection or obstruction.

Kidney blockage and infection. If not relieved, it can lead to kidney failure.

Common causes
a) Insufficient fluid intake or frequent fluid loss (dehydration) can make the urine so concentrated that stones form.
b) An excess of calcium or uric acid in the bloodstream caused by gout or hormone disorders.
c) Kidney infections foster stone formation by slowing urine flow or changing the acid balance of the urine.
d) Prolonged bed rest, eg due to illness

What you can do,
Consult the doctor immediately if there is severe pain accompanied by the other symptoms.

What your doctor can do for you,
a) Give an injection to relieve pain.
b) Test the urine for abnormal ties.
c) Treat underlying cause, eg gout or urinary infection.
d) Order an X-ray of the kidney, ureter and bladder (KUB), and an ultrasound of the kidney to confirm presence of stones.
e) Order an intravenous pyelogram (IVP), a contrast X-ray of the urinary system, to ascertain kidney stones and precise location.
f) Surgically remove large stones or perfome lithotripsy whereby the stones are disintegrated by powerful sound waves and then flushed out.

Prevention tips
Drink plenty of fluids to keep urine diluted enough to hold all dissolved salts in solution and keep them from forming stones.